In theory, the disclosure of XBRL financial reports can enhance the value of information feedback, enhance the transparency of information and reduce the cost of capital. Since the beginning of 2009, the Shenzhen Stock Exchange and the Shanghai Stock Exchange have mandated that all listed companies submit XBRL financial reports simultaneously with the PDF financial reports. In 2010, the Ministry of Finance promulgated the general taxonomy of Chinese enterprises’ accounting standards and started to work in some enterprises and accounting firms Implementation. Using the data from 2007 to 2012 of A-share listed companies of Shenzhen Stock Exchange to test the implementation effect of XBRL financial report, contrary to the theoretical expectation, after the simultaneous disclosure in 2009, the cost of equity capital of enterprises increased and the cost of equity capital remained after 2010 Further rise. This may be because there are currently many taxonomies in China and the XBRL financial reports have not been audited. The uncertainty of the related technologies has led to an increase in transaction costs and capital costs adopted in the early stage.