一、引言二、检察官的职能与职业地位三、司法配合主义问题(一)乌特罗案(二)恐怖活动犯罪的侦查四、检察官的独立性(一)废除预审法官的预言:勒热委员会建议(二)Medvedyev v.France案五、检察官与警察的拘留(一)检察官对于警察拘留的监督(二)扩大辩护权的呼声六、结论
I. INTRODUCTION II. Functions and Professional Status of Prosecutors III. Issues of Judicial Matching (I) Utero (II) Investigation of Crimes of Terrorist Activities IV. Independence of Prosecutors (I) Abolition of the Pre-judgment of Pre-Trial Judges: Le (2) Medvedyev v. France Case 5 Prosecutor and Police Detention (1) Prosecutor’s Oversight of Police Detention (2) Voice of Expansion of Pleadings VI. Conclusion