
来源 :中国计划免疫 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gdmkhx
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目的评价四川省实施卫生部/全球疫苗免疫联盟乙型肝炎(乙肝)疫苗(HepB)合作项目(GAVI项目)情况。方法从全省20个市(州,下同)随机抽取20个县(区,下同)、40个乡(镇,下同)开展HepB纳入免疫规划工作调查,抽取324份<3岁儿童血标本进行乙肝病毒(HBV)血清标志物检测。结果四川省自2003年开始实施GAVI项目以来,新生儿HepB全程(HepB3)接种率、首针(HepB1)及时接种率不断提高,分别为90.82%、74.73%;<3岁儿童乙肝病毒表面抗原(HBsAg)携带率为0.63%,比GAVI项目实施前的2002年下降了79.74%;县、乡两级医院住院分娩儿童HepB1及时接种率≥95%;通过项目的实施,提高了乡村医生和儿童监护人对乙肝预防知识的认知度,促进了预防接种安全注射的开展。结论四川省GAVI项目效果显著,以省为单位新生儿HepB3接种率、HepB1及时接种率和<3岁儿童HBsAg携带率已达到项目既定目标。今后的重点应在少数民族地区和边远山区,加强培训和宣传教育,提高住院和在家分娩儿童HepB1及时接种率。 Objective To evaluate the implementation of Hepatitis B (Hepatitis B) vaccine (HepB) cooperation project (GAVI project) of Ministry of Health / Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization in Sichuan Province. Methods 20 counties (districts, the same below) and 40 townships (towns, the same below) were randomly selected from 20 cities (prefectures and the same below) in the province to carry out a survey of HepB into the immunization planning work, and 324 samples of children <3 years old Specimens for hepatitis B virus (HBV) serum markers detection. Results Since the GAVI project was implemented in Sichuan Province in 2003, the HepB3 vaccination rate and the timely vaccination rate of HepB1 in the newborn increased continuously, reaching 90.82% and 74.73% respectively. In the 3-year-old children, hepatitis B virus surface antigen HBsAg) carrying rate was 0.63%, 79.74% lower than that before GAVI implementation in 2002. The timely vaccination rate of HepB1 in hospitalized children in county and township hospitals was ≥95%. Through the implementation of the project, rural doctors and guardians of children were increased Recognition of hepatitis B prevention knowledge, and promote the safe vaccination vaccination carried out. Conclusion The results of GAVI project in Sichuan Province are significant. HepB3 neonatal vaccination rate, timely vaccination rate of HepB1 and HBsAg carrier rate in children <3 years old have reached the established goal of the project. The focus of the future should be to strengthen training and publicity and education in ethnic minority areas and remote mountainous areas so as to increase the timely vaccination rate of HepB1 in hospitalized and childbirth children.
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