From 2007 to 2008, under the organization of Diabetes Branch of Chinese Medical Association, epidemiological investigation of diabetes was conducted in 14 provinces and cities nationwide. Through the weighted analysis, after considering the factors of gender, age, distribution of urban and rural areas and regional differences, the prevalence of diabetes in our country is estimated to be 9.7% for adults over the age of 20, and the total number of adults with diabetes in China reaches 92.4 million. Our country may have become the number of patients with diabetes Most countries. Microvascular and macrovascular complications caused by diabetes are the main causes of disability and death in patients. Diabetes has become a public health problem that seriously affects human and mental health. In recent years, the UK Prospective Diabetes Study (UKPDS) showed. Intensive glycemic control reduced all relevant end points of diabetes by 12%, with an average decrease of 1% in HbA 1c,