故障现象一辆2014年产广汽本田凌派车,搭载1.8 L发动机和自动变速器,行驶里程约为1万km。据驾驶人反映,发动机熄火后点火开关无法进入OFF挡,且一键起动按钮的指示灯闪烁,并伴有智能遥控钥匙失灵等故障现象。此外,在智能遥控钥匙不在车内时,发动机仍能起动。故障诊断接车后,试车验证故障,故障现象确实存在。对车辆进行断电处理后,一键起动功能即可恢复正常,但当车辆再次熄火时故障又会出现。查阅相关资料得知,该车一键起动系统工作原理如下。(1)起动。车辆在起动时所执行的操作如表1所列。任何信号出现问题均可能导致发动机无法起动。
Fault phenomenon A 2014 Guangzhou Automobile Honda sports car, equipped with 1.8L engine and automatic transmission, mileage is about 10000 km. According to the driver, the ignition switch can not enter the OFF position after the engine is turned off, and the indicator light of the one-button start button blinks, accompanied by malfunction of the smart remote control key. In addition, the engine can still be started when the smart remote key is not in the car. Troubleshooting After receiving the car, test to verify the fault, the fault does exist. Power off the vehicle after treatment, a key to start the function can be restored to normal, but when the vehicle flame out again when the fault will occur. Access to relevant information that the car a key to start the system works as follows. (1) Start. The operations performed at the start of the vehicle are listed in Table 1. Any signal problems may cause the engine can not start.