The interaction of catecholamines, neuropeptides, steroids and environmental changes affects prolactin secretion. In the last decade, a large number of papers have focused on the interaction of opiate peptides, catecholamines and steroid hormones with prolactin and gonadotropin regulation. This article will focus on this issue review. First, dopamine prolactin inhibitory factor hypothalamic dopamine produced by the median uplift and the hypothalamus - pituitary - gland system to reach the pituitary, the pituitary prolactin cells have a continuous inhibitory effect. Dopamine is synthesized at the axon terminals of neurons, which are located in the hypothalamic arcuate nucleus. Dopamine is secreted by the nervous system to the glandular system, and the blood flow to the anterior pituitary via the glandular system, which is the nodular funnel Department of dopamine system. Doping concentrations of dopamine in the pituitary stems of rhesus monkeys are about eight times higher than those in the surrounding tissues. Biochemistry