
来源 :民族画报(汉文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wangwei07863
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在色彩体系中,黑色似乎是最单调的一个颜色,但正如清代画家石涛对中国画墨韵的赞美一样,“墨团团里黑团团,黑墨团中天地宽。”中国少数民族将单调的黑色穿戴出了无穷的变化,创造出民族服饰的黑色之美。对人类来说,从会利用火那天起,最早的黑色颜料也就出现了:木材燃烧过程中能将物体熏黑,木炭可以把物体涂抹成黑色。同时,在人类早期的认知世界里,黑夜能吞没一切,黑色对人类来说代表着力量和未知。人们基于对力量的向往,对黑色有了独特的喜好。而有的民族是从远古的动物图腾崇拜逐渐演化出对这种图腾物皮毛颜色的崇拜。此外,崇尚黑色,可能还跟生活区域的气候条件、自然环境有关,与染色技术、民族融合有关。在中国少数民族 In the color system, black seems to be the most monotonous color, but just as the painter Shi Tao in Qing dynasty praised Chinese ink painting, “the black regiment in the Mexican regiment and the black ambassador in the world are wide and wide.” "The Chinese minorities will monotonously The black wear out of endless change, to create the beauty of black costumes. For mankind, the earliest black pigments appeared from the day the fire was used: burning black wood and burning charcoal with black charcoal. In the meantime, in the early cognitive world of mankind, night can engulf everything, and black represents power and unknown to mankind. People have a unique preference for black based on longing for power. However, some ethnic groups gradually evolved the cult of this totem-like fur from ancient animal totem worship. In addition, advocating black, may also be related to the climatic conditions of the living area, the natural environment, and dyeing technology, national integration. Minorities in China
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陀螺  你玩过抽陀螺吗?  过去,陀螺的制作可是一门手艺活儿:把一块木头削成下面尖尖的倒圆锥形,需要心灵手巧的能耐;圆锥的中心要不偏不倚,重心才稳,掷起来才不会东倒西歪;最下面还要加一颗珠子,让陀螺更圆滑更顺溜。抽陀螺的地面越光滑越好,所以冰上抽陀螺大受青睐。寒冬江上,滴水成冰,孩子们裹着厚重的棉袄,笨笨的,甚至走在冰上都会打趔趄。孩子们先把陀螺用绳子缠好,抽开绳子的同时往地上一抛,陀螺便旋转起来
《玉树临风:品读何士光》序  感谢朱军先生写下了这样一些关于我的文字。我们今生今世来到这人世间,都和文字有一些因缘,并因了阅读和写作,也在我们之间结下了这样一种因缘。如今年光渐渐地过去了,这时候就让人不禁要回想,这样的阅读和写作,都是为了些什么呢?  我们生而为人,就背负着这个生命,踯躅在年年岁岁的光阴中,沉浮在朝朝暮暮的日子里。每天每天,你固然要面对着生活,要让自己能够存活下去;在生活的后面,就
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一组神翻译正风靡于网络。题为《中文之美》。转发者,无不在一片赞叹后,感到深深震撼。原文:You say that you love rain,but you open your umbrella when it rains.You say
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