足球是火焰,在世界的各个角落熊熊燃烧,走到哪儿热到哪儿。在中国,足球也是炙手可热,它可以生生不息,也可以灰飞烟灭;它可以照亮你,也可以灼伤你;你可以围坐在它的周围把酒论英雄;也可以义愤填膺地谩骂狗熊从而远离它。 乒乓球就像蔚蓝的海水,总能在平静中接纳百川,引领世界浪潮;还能在风起云涌时掀起惊涛骇浪——人们到现在依然清楚地记得2000年悉尼奥运会孔令辉夺冠后亲吻胸前国旗的那个疯狂时刻——就像一股巨浪席卷了整个赛场,也席卷了神州大地。中国人在对待乒乓球的时候,从来没有过爱恨交加,就像人们通常站在滔天巨浪的旁边,要么感叹,要么欣赏;也像很多很多人对大海有着很深很深的情结那样,中国人对乒乓球也有着很深的情结。
Football is a flame, burning in every corner of the world, where to go hot. In China, football is also hot, it can be endless, it can be ashes; it can light you, you can burn you; you can sit around it to drink wine on the hero; you can also indignantly scold the bear to stay away from it. Ping-Pong is like a blue sea, always able to accept rivers in calm, leading the wave of the world; it can also set off stormy seas in turbulent times. People still remember the crazy kiss of the chest flag after Kong Linghui won the 2000 Sydney Olympics Moments - like a huge wave swept the entire stadium, but also swept the land of China. Chinese people treat table tennis without love or hate, as people usually stand by the monstrous waves, they either lament or appreciate; and like many, many people have deep, deep feelings towards the sea, Chinese also have deep feelings for table tennis.