编者的话: 一个派出所,在自身条件十分有限的情况下,却能创造性地开发出一套科技含量高、方便快捷的警务公开新方法,不仅把辖区群众从办事盲目、茫然的境况中解脱出来,把派出所从繁重烦琐的警务咨询工作中解放出来,还把168语音查询与110接报处警系统完美结合起来。完成了警务工作接警、处警到广泛便利接受群众公开查询的过渡,为科技强警,为创造更加安定祥和的治安环境作出了贡献。
Editor’s Note: A police station, under very limited conditions, can creatively develop a high-tech, convenient and efficient new method of police affairs disclosure. It not only liberates the area’s people from being blind and dazed , The police station from the heavy cumbersome policing work to liberate the police, but also the voice of the inquiry and the 110 reported to the police system the perfect combination. Completed the policing of the police, police at a wide range of facilities to accept the public inquiry in the transition, the police for science and technology, to create a more stable and peaceful environment and made a contribution.