交通安全 这么近那么远

来源 :现代职业安全 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:MANYE28
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舆情近段时间,交通事故频发,特别是2017年8月10日京昆高速陕西安康段秦岭1号隧道特别重大道路交通事故为我们敲响了警钟。另外,7月6日广东省惠州市特别重大交通事故致19人死亡、7月21日河北省张家口蔚县重大交通事故致11人死亡等均受到多家媒体报道,并迅速引发舆论聚焦,交通安全再次成为网民热议的话题。其中,京昆高速陕西安康段秦岭1号隧道特别重大道路交通事故更是引发舆论对道路安全设计的质疑,交通安全不容忽视。 Public opinion recently, traffic accidents frequently, especially in August 10, 2017 Beijing-Kunming Expressway in Shaanxi Ankang Qinling No. 1 tunnel particularly serious road traffic accidents sounded the alarm for us. In addition, on July 6, 19 people were killed in a particularly serious traffic accident in Huizhou City, Guangdong Province, and 11 people were killed in a major traffic accident in Yuxian County, Zhangjiakou, Hebei Province on July 21. They were all reported by a number of media outlets and quickly aroused media attention and traffic Security once again become a hot topic for Internet users. Among them, the Beijing-Kunming Expressway Ankang section of Shaanxi Qinling Tunnel No. 1 special road traffic accidents is even more caused public opinion on the road safety design of the query, traffic safety can not be ignored.
玻璃门由于透光、挡风的特性受到许多临街商户的青睐。但令这些商户没想到的是,这些气派、整洁的玻璃门却被一个窃贼盯上了。  那天一大早,我们车站派出所就接到报案:镇政府对面的一家淘宝网店被盗。我们迅速赶到案发现场。  据失主介绍:11月23日晚上11时左右,他关了店门,用一把U型锁将两扇玻璃门的门把手锁好后离开。第二天来开门店时,却发现U型锁斜挂在一旁,店内抽屉里的1400多元钱也丢失了。  通过对现