NAA Algerian Laboratory Evaluation Processed by WEPAL and IAEA during 2011-2012

来源 :分析科学方法和仪器期刊(英文) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:horse12
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Participation in inter-comparison programs is an important process to enhance the accuracy and precision of the analytical techniques used in the laboratories. At Es-Salam Research Reactor, our laboratory uses two functional analytical techniques such as
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The purpose of this study is to develop an HPLC-UV (280 nm) method for simultaneous determination of phenol, five chlorophenols (2-chlorophenol, 4-chlorophenol,
Inflammatory lung diseases such as asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease are common and difficult to diagnose and characterize. This is due in large
从吕梁股票崩盘却跳出来渲染内幕,到他写书,到他说春节后想找个地方静养,到他顺利出逃后没带钱却仍大摇大摆地到桑拿房按摩两个钟等一系列“反常”举动来判断,他是胸有成竹且算计精道的  2001年春节大假刚过,便有公安人员到单位找我。问的问题很怪异:“你知道吕梁有过哪几个女朋友?在他家干过的保姆是安徽什么地方人?他有什么慢性病?一般吃什么药?”几分钟交谈过后他们留下个电话号码,“他一旦与你联系请立即打这个
It is crucial to study the effect of radiation on the fiber amplifier devices. In the present paper, the Erbium-ytterbium co-doped fiber amplifier (EYDFA) has b
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