Experimental investigation of the factors affecting accuracy and resolution of the pore structure of

来源 :Journal of Zhejiang University-Science A(Applied Physics & E | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mustache
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Thermoporometry(TPM) is a calorimetric-based technique for characterizing pore structure according to the freezing and melting point depression of liquid confined in pores which attributes to a varying phase-transition free energy by interface curvature.TPM has demonstrated an emerging success in applications for determining the mesopores of cement-based materials in recent decades.To improve its resolution and accuracy,this paper discussed these factors which show a great influence on the baseline heat flow and the derived pore structure using two molecular sieves with discontinuous size for calibration,referring to the sample handling,the mass of sample and the varying temperature.The pore size distributions of ordinary and high-strength concrete by TPM were favorably compared to the results taken by nitrogen adsorption/desorption(NAD) and mercury intrusion porosimetry(MIP).The results illustrated that both the accuracy and resolution improve with the decreasing cooling/heating rate until 1 °C/min;however,if the rate is too slow,it can lead to an unstable result.The mass of the sample tested has much less an effect on the accuracy when it increases to more than 30 mg.TPM is demonstrated to be more accurate to characterize the mesopores with the size bigger than 4 nm as compared to NAD and MIP. Thermoporometry (TPM) is a calorimetric-based technique for characterizing pore structure according to the freezing and melting point depression of liquid confined in pores which attributes to a varying phase-transition free energy by interface curvature. TPM has demonstrated an emerging success in applications for determining the mesopores of cement-based materials in recent decades. To improve the resolution and accuracy, this paper discussed these factors which show a great influence on the baseline heat flow and the derived pore structure using two molecular sieves with discontinuous size for calibration, referring to the sample handling, the mass of sample and the varying temperature. The pore size distributions of ordinary and high-strength concrete by TPM were favorably compared to the results taken by nitrogen adsorption / desorption (NAD) and mercury intrusion porosimetry (MIP). The results illustrated that both both accuracy and resolution improve with the decreasing cooling / heating rate until 1 ° C / min; however, if the rate is too slow, it can lead to an unstable result. mass of the sample tested has much less an effect on the accuracy when it increases to more than 30 mg.TPM to be more accurate to characterize the mesopores with the size bigger than 4 nm as compared to NAD and MIP.
2013年6月30日  星期天,我们一家人去公园玩耍,我高兴极了,就像半路上捡了个宝贝似的,乐得合不拢嘴。  哇!这里的花儿真多!我看见了好几个花坛,花儿多得更是不计其数。那花儿一朵朵、一束束、一团团、一堆堆,多得让我都眼花缭乱了。  花儿的颜色真多,五彩缤纷,有白的、橙红的、黄的、红的、紫的、蓝的……白色的像一朵朵洁白的云;黄色的像一捧捧金色的沙土;橙红色的像一个个小桔灯……远远望去,好像一个花
10月1日 晴  今天,妈妈带着我回乡下,帮姨妈收割稻子。  我们回到乡下的时候,姨妈他们已经到田里割稻子了。我也跟着妈妈来到田间,远远望去,金黄色的稻子在微风的吹拂下像波浪一样起伏,在阳光的照耀下像铺了一地金子,漂亮极了!  你看,田间里一片热火朝天,繁忙的景象,那边收割机井然有序地收割着,这边比我大几岁的表姐也在田间收割稻子,姨妈和姨父熟练地用电动机脱谷粒,我也学着表姐的样子拿起镰刀弯着腰割稻
我们自1998年7月~1998年12月收治难治性肺炎病人8例,采用介入方法,即经纤维支气管镜(FFB)进行支气管肺泡灌洗(BAL)效果良好,现介绍如下:1 临床资料11 一般资料:全组共8例,均为住院病人,男6例,女2例,年龄24岁~60岁,症状