对上海乐迷来说,英国大提琴家史蒂芬·伊瑟利斯(Steven Isserlis)应该不会陌生,因为2015年他刚随亚洲青年管弦乐团来过,在东方艺术中心的市民音乐会上演奏海顿的《第二大提琴协奏曲》。2016年,他应上海国际艺术节之邀而来,将在上海交响乐团音乐厅举行独奏音乐会。去年像我一样失之交臂的大提琴爱好者,这次一定不要错过机会。在当今活跃于世界音乐舞台的著名大提琴家中,史蒂芬·伊瑟利斯是与马友
For Shanghai fans, British cellist Steven Isserlis should not be strange because he had just played Haydn with the Asian Youth Orchestra in 2015 at the Citizens’ Concert at the East Arts Center “Second Cello Concerto.” In 2016, at the invitation of Shanghai International Arts Festival, he will hold a solo concert at the Shanghai Symphony Orchestra Concert Hall. Cello lovers who missed last year like me did not miss the chance this time. Among the famous cellos active in the world of music today, Stephen Iselis is