Simulation on slope uncertainty derived from DEMs at different resolution levels:a case study in the

来源 :Journal of Geographical Sciences | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Pinger605
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Slope is one of the crucial terrain variables in spatial analysis and land use planning,especially in the Loess Plateau area of China which is suffering from serious soil erosion. DEMbased slope extracting method has been widely accepted and applied in practice. However slopeaccuracy derived from this method usually does not match with its popularity. A quantitativesimulation to slope data uncertainty is important not only theoretically but also necessarily toapplications. This paper focuses on how resolution and terrain complexity impact on the accuracy ofmean slope extracted from DEMs of different resolutions in the Loess Plateau of China. Six typicalgeomorphologic areas are selected as test areas, representing different terrain types from smooth torough. Their DEMs are produced from digitizing contours of 1:10,000 scale topographic maps. Field Slope is one of the crucial terrain variables in spatial analysis and land use planning, especially in the Loess Plateau area of ​​China which is suffering from serious soil erosion. DEMbased slope extracting method has been highly accepted and applied in practice. However slopeaccuracy derived from this method usually does not match with its popularity. A quantitativesimulation to slope data uncertainty is not only theoretically but also necessarily to applications. This paper focuses on how resolution and terrain complexity impact on the accuracy of measurable slope from DEMs of different resolutions in the Loess Plateau of China. Six typicalgeomorphologic areas are selected as test areas, representing different terrain types from smooth torches. Their DEMs are produced from digitizing contours of 1: 10,000 scale topographic maps. Field
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