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当今时代,科技信息技术快速发展,数字媒体已经成为人们极为熟悉的事物,而数字媒体融入到动漫中是未来发展的必然趋势。最近.几年来,国家出台了很多强有力的政策推动了动漫产业的迅速发展,动漫行业呈现出了一片欣欣向荣之势。但是,动漫产业要想可持续健康发展,必须深入研究数字媒体和动漫之间的关系,从而把握规律,以免动漫产业的发展走入弯路。 In today’s era, the rapid development of science and technology and information technology, digital media has become a very familiar thing, and digital media into the animation is the inevitable trend of future development. In recent years, the state has promulgated a number of powerful policies to promote the rapid development of animation industry, animation industry has shown a thriving trend. However, if the animation industry wants sustainable and healthy development, it is necessary to thoroughly study the relationship between digital media and animation so as to grasp the law so as to avoid the development of the animation industry from entering a detour.
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