中国共产党第一次全国代表大会召开的地方 ,也曾是编辑马克思主义丛书的地方。现我们特将这段鲜为人知的史料详细披露如下 :党的“一大”召开之前的一个月 ,即1921年6月24日的上海《民国日报》《觉悟》副刊上就刊登了《<新时代丛书>编辑缘起》这条消息。这条消息说新
The place where the first CPC National Congress was convened was also the place where the series of Marxist books was edited. We hereby make a detailed disclosure of this little-known historical material as follows: One month prior to the convening of the “Great One”, that is, the “Supplement” to the “Republican Daily” on June 24, 1921, New Age Series> Editing Origins "message. The news said new