从第六期起,我们专门开辟一个栏目,陆续刊出一些对企业基层骨干人员的访谈。我们希望能通过真实记录这些人的生活与工作、快乐与烦恼,折射出千千万万工作在企业第一线的人员为企业兢兢业业,埋头苦干的精神;记录他们在企业中的奋斗历程及其身上所体现的企业精神和文化,反映企业的团队。 一滴水能折射出太阳的光辉。希望读者朋友们能通过这一个个个性鲜明的个体看到企业中更深层次的内涵。 如有采访线索,请与我刊矫龙联系电话:65815877E-mail:Richlong@etang.com 初见黄红星,给我的第一感觉就是他的稳健和儒雅,斯斯文文而又果断坚韧,很有一些儒商的味道。他大学时主修营销专业,今年28岁,曾在一家国有企业做过铁路物资的销售,4年前不甘寂寞的性格使他毅然加入科龙并且一直从事科龙空调北京市场的开拓工作,是科龙空调在北京市场销售额由2千万攀升到2.6个亿(今年目标)的见证者。4年的商场实战造就了他稳健、果断的性格,也使他积攒了丰富的市场经验。提起科龙他饱含深情,在整个采访过程中,他经常说的一句话就是:“科龙培养了我!”
From the sixth period on, we have opened up a section specifically to publish some interviews with key personnel at the grassroots level. We hope to reflect the lives, work, happiness, and troubles of these people and reflect the spirit of the thousands of people working at the front lines of the enterprise who are dedicated to work and hard work, and record their struggles in the enterprise. The corporate spirit and culture embodied in it reflect the company’s team. A drop of water can reflect the brightness of the sun. It is hoped that readers and friends will be able to see the deeper connotations of the enterprise through these individuals with distinctive personality. If you have interview clues, please contact our publication Jiao Long contact number: 65815877 E-mail:Richlong@etang. When com first met Huang Hongxing, my first feeling was that he was steady and elegant, and his style was decisive and tough. He had a taste of some Confucian businessmen. He was a majoring marketing major at university and was 28 years old. He once worked as a sales agent for railroads in a state-owned enterprise. His unsociable character four years ago made him resolutely join Kelon and he has been working on the development of the Kelon air-conditioning Beijing market. Kelon’s sales in Beijing market rose from 20 million to 2.6 billion (this year’s target) witnesses. The four-year shopping mall battle created a steady and decisive character, and he also accumulated a wealth of market experience. When he talked about Kelon, he was deeply affectionate. During the entire interview, he often said: “Kelon has trained me!”