作者报告一例脑脓肿的CT 增强消失与用类固醇有关,现将病例及讨论摘要如下。患者36岁,女性,因进行性右侧肢体无力、麻木与运动性失语三天入院。否认近期有任何感染。WBC 8400/mm~3。CT 扫描显示左额顶深部有一增强病灶,周围有水肿,提示为新生物。脑动脉造影证实为无血管的肿块。入院第二天开始用地塞米松(16mg/日)。用药6天作CT 扫描,见左额顶区增强减弱与水肿消退。病人住院11天,症状消失,CT 连续扫描无特殊而出院。地塞米松逐渐减量,用至23
The authors report a case of brain abscess enhanced CT disappeared with steroids, the case and discussion are summarized below. Patient 36 years old, female, admitted to hospital for three days due to progressive weakness of the right limb, numbness and aphasia. Denied any recent infections. WBC 8400 / mm ~ 3. CT scan showed a deep enhancement of the left forehead lesions, surrounded by edema, suggesting that new life. Cerebral arteriography confirmed avascular masses. Dexamethasone (16 mg / day) started on admission the next day. Medication for 6 days for CT scan, see enhancement of the left frontal area weakening and edema subsided. Patients were hospitalized for 11 days, the symptoms disappeared, CT continuous scan without exception and discharged. Dexamethasone tapering to 23