The use of drugs to inhibit tobacco axillary buds, in order to achieve labor-saving, increase production, increase the effect of measures, as early as 10 years ago began. The earliest use of drugs is wood tar, coal tar, then the use of MH30 and fatty alcohol drugs, have achieved a positive inhibitory effect. In recent years, Swiss Ciba - Gaby-based company to curb Buds (Prime + 250EC) is a more popular internationally a new drug. Since 1984, Ciba-Geigy has commissioned us to test the smoke suppression effect of the drug. After two years of dose test and 2 years of field test, we obtained satisfactory results. Chemical composition and properties of the germ-inhibiting germ Product depressurization is 25% yellow emulsion, flammable, slightly corrosive and toxic to fish. When exposed to young tobacco axillary buds