“I do not change! ” This sentence is now the most frequent occurrence of our class a word. Why? All that Xu teacher. Recently, this “my dear friend ” stood on the podium looking around, always feel that the seat is not properly arranged. The classmate is too high, I have to change; the classmate is too short, I have to change; this ... ... all have to change! Look here, a bunch of men, look over there, a group of women, Convenient, as long as someone turned around, a mouth, this lesson is not on the. To this end, Xu teacher can be racked his brains, and finally began to implement the trick. “Let me change? No, resolutely do not change! ” The students also set off the offensive posture, you attack me, you retreat into me, you move me. Sentinel war started, everyone safe, in order to have the throne of feelings, spell it!