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为了加强减轻国有企业负担问题的研究,我们最近在兰州召开了企业领导座谈会,请他们谈谈国有企业负担沉重的状况,给企业带来的影响,以及减轻沉重负担的办法。现在集中发表,供有关方面决策和研究参考。从调查材料看,国有企业负担是较沉重的。从原因上分析,有政策因素,有历史因素,有社会大环境因素,也有企业自身因素。从表现形式上看,有来自外部的,有来自内部的,有来自纵向的,有来自横向的,向企业伸手要钱的名目繁多。企业负担沉重,这不仅关系到国有企业生存和发展的问题,也关系到企业能否走向市场,成为市场主体的问题。因此,这个问题如果不能很好地解决,企业贯彻《企业法》,执行《条例》,深化改革,进入市场竞争等等,都是一句空话。我们希望通过这一期的专辑报道,能引起有关方面的重视,尽快解决这一难题,推进市场经济体制早日形成。 In order to strengthen the research on alleviating the burden on state-owned enterprises, we recently held a business leadership symposium in Lanzhou asking them to talk about the state of heavy burden on state-owned enterprises, the impact they have brought to enterprises, and ways to reduce the heavy burden. It is now published in a centralized manner for the relevant parties to make decisions and research references. From the survey materials, the burden on state-owned enterprises is heavier. Analyzed from the reasons, there are policy factors, historical factors, social environment factors, and the company itself. Judging from the form of expression, there are many from the outside, from the inside, from the vertical, from the horizontal, to reach out to the enterprise for money. The heavy burden on enterprises affects not only the problems of the survival and development of state-owned enterprises, but also whether enterprises can move into the market and become the subject of market entities. Therefore, if this problem cannot be solved well, the implementation of the “Corporate Law”, the implementation of the “Regulations”, the deepening of reform, and the entry into the market are all empty words. We hope that through this issue of the album report, we can attract the attention of relevant parties, resolve this problem as soon as possible, and promote the formation of a market economic system at an early date.
数有正数、负数,电荷有正电荷、负电荷,效应有正效应、负效应。你可听说过残疾也有正残疾和负残疾? 一百多年前,德国哲学家尼采惊人地发现,残疾的确有两种,一种是常见的残疾
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2011年的圣诞节最让电影发烧友们翘首以盼的无疑是宣布着阿汤哥强势回归的《碟中谍》这一经典系列的新生儿——《幽灵协议》。该片自上映后便受到影迷们的热烈追捧,屡创票房佳绩。  这样一部如此精彩绝伦的动作电影,必然充斥了大量惊险刺激的场面,而其中最让人血脉喷张的桥段莫过于阿汤哥只凭借神奇的“壁虎手套”徒手攀爬世界第一高楼——哈利法塔了。同伴提供给他的这件手套看似精密无比,关键时候却掉了链子。就在伊森爬
The investigation were performed on 72 anaesthetized,immobilized and artificiallyrespired rabbits.Intrapulmonary arterial injection of 20~100 μg of histamine(H