传统的著作权集体管理体制是建立在国家领域基础上的,著作权人成为其国籍国或者经常居住地国集体管理组织的会员后,其作品就被纳入该集体组织的“作品目录”(repertoire)。为了开发非本国的作品目录,著作权集体管理组织之间通过“相互代表协议”(reciprocalrepresentation agreements)~①进行合作。但是,相互代表协议很难实现“无缝
The traditional copyright collective management system is based on the national domain. After the copyright owner has become a member of the collective management organization of its country of nationality or resident country, its work is included in the ”repertoire“ of the collective organization ). In order to develop non-domestic catalogs of works, copyright collective management organizations cooperate through ”reciprocalrepresentation agreements“. However, mutual agreement is difficult to achieve ”seamless