矿井井筒施工完毕,进入二期井巷工程施工,需要对井筒提升系统进行临时改绞。结合平禹二矿回风井单侧马头门及二次临时改绞方案的设计思路,在井下安装1 t有架简易翻矸装置,耙斗机、矿车与吊桶配套使用,此次设计大大降低二次临时改绞投入成本,优化排矸系统,改善施工环境,提高出渣效率,对矿井临时改绞设计和施工具有较大的借鉴意义。
Mine shaft construction is completed, into the second phase of roadway construction, the need for temporary hoist shaft hoisting system. Combining with the design idea of the unilateral Matou door of the second ventilation shaft of Pingyu Mine and the scheme of secondary temporary rewinding, a simple tipping device, a scraper bucket machine and a mining truck are installed in the well for supporting the use of the bucket. Greatly reduce the second temporary rewinding input costs, optimize the gangue system, improve the construction environment, improve the efficiency of the slag, the temporary mine with a twisted wire harness design and construction of great reference.