牡蛎为牡蛎科长牡蛎Ostrea gigas Thunb.;大连湾牡蛎Ostrea talienwhanensis Crosse或近江牡蛎Ostrea rivularis Gould的贝壳。《神农本草经》案说文云:“牡蛎有三,皆生于海”说明在汉朝以前三种牡蛎皆入药。 牡蛎是常用中药,味咸,性微寒。归肝、胆、肾经。具有重镇安神,潜阳补阴,软坚散结,收敛固涩之功效。常用于惊悸失眠,眩晕耳呜,瘰疠痰核,症瘕痞块,自汗盗汗,遗精崩带,胃痛泛酸等症。煅牡蛎收敛固涩。用于自汗盗汗,遗精崩带,胃痛泛酸。牡蛎主含80%~95%
Oysters are Ostrea gigas Thunb.; Oysters Ostrea talienwhanensis Crosse or Oyster Ostrea rivularis Gould shells. “Shen Nong Ben Cao Jing” said that Wen Yun: “There are three oysters, all born in the sea” shows that before the Han Dynasty, all three kinds of oysters were used as medicine. Oyster is a commonly used Chinese medicine, taste salty, slightly cold. Liver, gallbladder and kidney. It has the functions of calming the vitality of the town, replenishing the yang, repairing the weakness, and astringing Guse. Commonly used for convulsions and insomnia, dizziness, deafness, hemorrhoids, dysentery, spontaneous sweating, spermatorrhea collapse, gastric pain pancreatic acid embolism. The calcined oysters are astringent. Used for spontaneous sweating, shedding bandits, stomach pain pantothenic acid. The main oyster contains 80% to 95%