一、质疑法。特点是:从课文实际出发,或联系生活,或结合直观,或根据情理,用质疑的方法,引起思维的活跃,并使其有明确的方向。具体说来有如下几种: 1、引典质疑。如《最后一次讲演》,一开始,于漪老师在引用毛泽东同志的语句后提出:“为什么说闻一多‘拍案而起’、‘横眉怒对’,‘表现了我们民族的英雄气概’?”然后引用教材有关的经典论断,以提高学生对教材内容的信服
First, the challenge method. The characteristics are: starting from the actual situation of the text, or linking with life, or combining intuitive, or according to the reason, using questioning methods, causing the active thinking, and make it have a clear direction. Specifically, there are the following: 1. Quoting questions. For example, in the “Last Speech”, at the beginning, after the quotation of Comrade Mao Zedong was quoted by Prof. Yu Xiong, “Why did you say that a lot of people’s slapsticks come up against the case and angered their faces?” and “showed the heroic spirit of our nation”? Then quote the classic thesis related to the teaching materials to improve the students’ conviction on the content of the teaching materials.