一、中国经济的竞争力何在 中国特定的资源格局是人力资源极大丰富,物质资源相对不足,资金资源严重匮乏,且在50年内不会有根本的改变,经济发展战略受限于此。中国经济的竞争力何在,应该选择什么样的发展道路?显然,强化物质资源的开发,靠出卖资源、原材料、初级产品来发展;强化资金资源的开发,靠借外债、利用国际游资起步求发展,这两条路都走不通。唯有走强
I. Why China’s Economy Is Competitive? The specific pattern of resources in China is that human resources are extremely rich, with relative lack of material resources and serious shortage of funds and resources, and there will be no fundamental change in the course of 50 years. Therefore, the strategy for economic development will be limited to this. Obviously, strengthening the development of material resources depends on the sale of resources, raw materials and primary products. The development of capital resources is strengthened. By borrowing from foreign debts and using international hot money for development, the development of material resources should be strengthened. These two roads are not feasible. Only strong