
来源 :中国建筑防水 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qinzhenxing
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硅酮结构密封膏主要用于玻璃幕墙结构粘接、密封装配玻璃,其技术性能和产品质量直接关系到建筑安全。长期以来,该产品没有专用标准,国外制造商(如:GE公司、Dowcovning公司、RHONEPOULENC公司等)大多数沿用一般建筑接缝密封胶的标准,如:ASTMC920、TTS001543、TTS00230等,另外附加一些重要的试验项目以更好地控制产品质量,保证玻璃结构装配的应用。ASTMC1184-91在国际上是首次出台的针对硅酮结构密封膏的产品标准。近几年,我国玻璃幕墙建筑发展甚快,据统计96年施工面积超过200万m2,年产值超过50亿元。建筑幕墙所使用的硅酮结构膏目前尚不能自给,也没有制定相应的产品标准,难以监督和检验其产品质量,一些伪劣产品在利润驱使下,乘机混入市场,给玻璃幕墙建筑安全带来隐患,已造成玻璃脱落伤人事故,使人们对玻璃幕墙的安全性担忧,严重影响着这种新型建筑的声誉。此情况已引起国家有关部门的重视,已多次发出通知要求狠抓幕墙建筑质量,国家经贸委还针对幕墙用硅酮结构密封膏质量问题发出函,要求抓紧制订产品的国家标准,并要求在国家标准颁布前,所有生产、使用硅酮结构密封膏的单位,暂先执行AS? Silicone structural sealant is mainly used for bonding and sealing of glass curtain wall structures. Its technical performance and product quality are directly related to construction safety. For a long time, there is no special standard for this product. Most foreign manufacturers (such as GE, Dowcovn-ing, RHONE-POULENC, etc.) follow the standard of general building joint sealants, such as: ASTM C920, TT-S-001543 , TT  S  00230, etc., in addition to some important test items to better control product quality and ensure the application of glass structure assembly. ASTMC1184-91 is the first product standard for silicone structural sealants introduced internationally. In recent years, China’s glass curtain wall construction has developed rapidly. According to statistics, the construction area in 1996 exceeded 2 million m2, and the annual production value exceeded RMB 5 billion. The silicone structural paste used in the building curtain wall is not yet self-sufficient, nor has it formulated corresponding product standards. It is difficult to supervise and inspect the quality of its products. Some counterfeit and inferior products are driven into the market by profit and bring hidden dangers to the safety of glass curtain wall construction. , Has caused the loss of glass accidents, causing people to worry about the safety of the glass curtain wall, seriously affecting the reputation of this new type of building. This situation has caused the attention of the relevant state departments, has repeatedly issued a notice requesting to pay close attention to the construction quality of the curtain wall, the State Economic and Trade Commission also issued a letter for the quality of silicone structural sealant for curtain wall, requires the swift formulation of national standards for products, and requires that Prior to the promulgation of the national standard, all units that manufacture and use silicone structural sealants shall temporarily perform AS?
青岛市崂山区华楼海尔希望小学座落于山清水秀的崂山风景区华楼山脚下,合校于2000年8月,由四处小学合并而成。学校坚持以“四本三全两爱一着想”的教育思想,实 Qingdao Laos
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