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在室内条件下检测了白僵菌Beauveria bassiana(Balsamo)Vuillemin菌株IRAN-187C和金龟子绿僵菌Metarhizium anisopliae (Metschnikow)Sorokin菌株 A-396 分别与硅藻土(DE)制剂(InsectoSec)~混用对四纹豆象Callosobruchus maculatus成虫的毒力效果。结果表明:硅藻土与致死剂量和亚致死剂量的真菌分离物混用导致了四纹豆象成虫的高死亡率,且这些处理均缩短了真菌的致死中时(LT50)。LC50的白僵菌B.bassiana菌株IRAN-187C和LC50的DE混用对四纹豆象的 LT50(122.2h)最低,在95%置信限上与LC50的金龟子绿僵菌M.anisopliae菌株A-396与LC50的DE混用得到的LT50(128.2h)相当,说明两种真菌分离物与DE混用对四纹豆象成虫都具有较好的毒力效果。用四纹豆象成虫检测3个温度(22,27和30℃)和2个相对湿度(40%和55%)组合对DE活性的影响,结果显示30℃和40%相对湿度条件下得到的LT50(110.11h)最低,说明高温低湿条件下DE活性较高。 In laboratory conditions, IRAN-187C and Metarhizium anisopliae (Metschnikow) Sorokin strain A-396 of Beauveria bassiana (Balsamo) Vuillemin were tested separately against InsectoSec ​​~  The virulence of the four-legged Beetles Callosobruchus maculatus adults. The results showed that the combination of diatomite with lethal and sublethal fungal isolates resulted in a high mortality rate of adult M. quadrata, and these treatments both reduced the lethal time (LT50) of fungi. LC50 of B. bassiana strain IRAN-187C and the LC50 DE mixture had the lowest LT50 (122.2 h) for the tetraploids, with 95% confidence limits LC50 of M. anisopliae M.anisopliae strain A-396 The LT50 (128.2h) obtained by LC mixing with DE was comparable, indicating that the two fungal isolates mixed with DE have good virulence to adult Beauveria. The effects of three temperature combinations (22, 27 and 30 ℃) and two relative humidity (40% and 55% LT50 (110.11h) the lowest, indicating high DE activity under high temperature and humidity conditions.
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读者来信@马春林$聊城大学化学系!聊城252059;泰山学院,泰安271021@张军红$泰山学院!泰安271021 Reader’s Letter @ Ma Chunlin $ Department of Chemistry, Liaocheng Unive
例1 王××男46岁住院号148057右眼球突出5个月。1985年5月9日入院。5个月前,无诱因右眼球突出,无头痛及眼痛,视力正常。2个月前,眼球突出加重、伴头痛,疼痛难忍。右眼视物
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笔者遇到1家4代16人中8例单眼翼状胬肉无隔代遗传,符合常染色体显性遗传规律。家系中无亲近联婚及外眼经病史。 I encountered a 4 generation of 16 people in 8 cases of