没有喝过可口可乐的请举手! 可口可乐、麦当劳、好莱坞被认为是美国文化的形象代表,已经渗透世界的每一个角落,不管你喜欢还是抗拒,你都必须表示自己的态度,因为你已无法回避,在现代社会里要找到一个没有被它们所渗透的地方是一件艰难的事情。可口可乐成为美国的标签之一,而在可口可乐的扩张过程中,体育又成为可口可乐极力给自己粘贴的标签。这种据说添加了“7X神秘配方”的深褐色的液体,已经不是单纯用来解渴的饮料了,这其中的微妙感觉就是可口可乐打造品牌形象的精髓之处。 2002年8月8日,全球品牌管理咨询公司Interbrand
Coca-Cola, Coca-Cola please drink! Coca-Cola, McDonald’s, Hollywood is considered the image of American culture, has penetrated every corner of the world, whether you like or resist, you have to express their attitude, because you can not be avoided It is a difficult thing in modern society to find a place that has not been infiltrated by them. Coca-Cola became one of the labels of the United States, and Coca-Cola in the expansion process, sports and Coca-Cola has become very hard to paste their own labels. The dark brown liquid, which is said to have been added to the “7X Mystery Recipe,” is no longer just a drink for quenching thirst. The subtle feeling is that Coca-Cola has built the essence of its brand image. August 8, 2002, Interbrand, a global branding consultancy