On finite-time stability and stabilization of nonlinear port-controlled Hamiltonian systems

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The finite-time stability and stabilization of nonlinear port-controlled Hamiltonian(PCH)systems are investigated in this paper,and a number of new results are proposed.Firstly,by exploiting the Hamiltonian structural properties,a proper form of the Hamiltonian function is obtained,based on which a finite-time stability criterion is then presented for a class of Hamiltonian systems.Secondly,using the obtained stability criterion and the so-called“energy shaping plus damping injection”technique,the continuous finite-time stabilization problem is studied for the PCH system,and several global stabilization results are provided.Finally,the continuous robust finite-time stabilization of the PCH system with external disturbances is investigated,and two results on designing global robust finite-time stabilizers are obtained.Study of several examples with numerical simulations shows that the control design approach developed in this paper works very well. The finite-time stability and stabilization of nonlinear port-controlled Hamiltonian (PCH) systems are investigated in this paper, and a number of new results are proposed. Firstly, by exploiting the Hamiltonian structural properties, a proper form of the Hamiltonian function is obtained , based on which a finite-time stability criterion is then presented for a class of Hamiltonian systems. Secondarily, using the acquired stability criterion and the so-called “energy shaping plus damping injection ” technique, the continuous finite-time stabilization problem is studied for the PCH system, and several global stabilization results are provided. Finally, the continuous robust finite-time stabilization of the PCH system with external disturbances is investigated, and two results on designing global robust finite-time stabilizers are obtained. Study several examples with numerical simulations shows that the control design approach developed in this paper works very well.
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