在福建省三明市郊国有林场,以闽粤栲天然林、人工林分为对照,对闽粤栲人工促进天然更新林分(简称人促林)的生长过程进行分析。结果表明:与人工林比,人促林早期生长较慢,进入速生期较迟,但后续生长较快,且持续时间长;连年生长量与平均生长量相交时间,树高推迟0.5 a,胸径第1次相交时间推迟1 a,材积生长远未相交。25年生人工林的材积连年生长量与平均生长量虽然未相交,但从生长曲线分析,预计30年生左右出现相交,从高径生长分析,人工闽粤栲林有早衰现象。与天然林相比,人促林树高、胸径、材积生长规律基本一致,但总生长量较小,早期生长缓慢。人工促进天然更新培育闽粤栲林,营林投资成本低,有利于生态环境保育,而且可以维持较高的林分生产力,是一种生态省力型可持续经营模式。
In the forest farm of state-owned suburb of Sanming City, Fujian Province, the natural forests and artificial forests in Fujian and Guangdong Province were compared to analyze the growth process of artificial regeneration forest in Fujian and Guangdong Province. The results showed that compared with the artificial plantation, the early growth of human plantation was slower, the later was quicker, but the subsequent growth was faster and the duration was longer. The time of successive growth and the average growth were intersecting, the height of tree was delayed by 0.5 a, The 1st time of intersection was postponed for 1 year, and the volume growth was far from intersecting. Although the annual growth volume and average growth rate of 25-year-old plantations did not intersect, it is estimated that there is an intersection at about 30-year-old from the growth curve analysis. Compared with natural forest, tree height, diameter at breast height and volume growth pattern are basically the same, but the total growth is small, early growth is slow. Artificial promotion of natural renewal Cultivation of Min tung tree forest, silviculture investment low cost, is conducive to ecological and environmental conservation, but also to maintain a high stand productivity, is a eco-saving and sustainable management mode.