1988年世界诺贝尔奖金获得者———这个人类文明精英群体在巴黎聚会。会后他们发表联名宣言。宣言中有称 :“二十一世纪人类世界要生存下去 ,要从二千五百三十余年前的孔夫子那里获得智慧。”末代奉祀官、孔子第75代嫡传裔孙孔祥楷先生是中共官员孔子(前552—前47
1988 Nobel Prize winner in the world - this elite group of human civilizations in Paris party. After the meeting they issued a joint declaration. The declaration said: “The world of human beings in the 21st century will survive, with wisdom from Confucius, who was more than 2550 years ago.” The Officials of the Last Generation, the 75th generation of Confucius, Official Confucius (before 552 - before 47