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新中国成立初期,妇幼保健事业是一项移风易俗的社会改革和思想改造工作。在当时,妇幼保健事业起步于政府的主导和支持,并在发展中冲击和改变了传统的妇幼保健观念及方式,降低了母婴死亡率,保障了妇女的生育安全。儿童保育工作的开展,既改善了儿童健康状况,还解决了妇女参加生产而孩子无人照看的牵累,在保护和解放妇女劳动力的同时,提高了妇女参加社会劳动的热情和积极性。当代中国妇幼保健事业的发展,提高了妇女群体对新政权的政治认同感,密切了党和国家与妇女群众的联系,是当代中国推动妇女解放事业的成功实践。 In the early days after the founding of New China, the MCH cause was a social reform and ideological reform that favored the common customs. At that time, the MCH cause started with the government’s dominance and support and undermined and changed traditional MCH concepts and methods in development, reducing maternal and infant mortality rates and ensuring women’s reproductive health. Child protection work has not only improved children’s health, but also solved the involvement of women in childbirth and unattended child care. In protecting and liberating women’s labor force, women’s enthusiasm and enthusiasm for participating in social work have been raised. The development of contemporary maternity and child care in China has raised the political identity of the women’s groups over the new regime and the close ties between the party and the state and the mass of women and the successful practice of contemporary China in promoting the cause of women’s liberation.
利用超声波观测方法在实验室内分别研究了砂岩露头岩样在不同孔隙流体压力和含气 (水 )饱和度条件下所引起的地震响应 ,由实验观测得出如下结论 :①纵横波速度、品质因子、主
根据川东北地区已有的气井井旁地震资料 ,总结了下三叠统飞仙关组鲕滩气藏的地震响应特征 ,结合模型正演分析 ,建立了气藏分布的识别模式。据该模式 ,利用已有的地震资料 ,作
安 6井和吐谷 1井是四川石油管理局在准南西部新近完钻的井。通过对这两口井的钻探已经意识到 ,准南的勘探不仅有工程技术上的风险 ,更面临着严峻的地质认识问题。通过对安 6
松辽盆地南部的十屋断陷是晚侏罗世以来发育而成的箕状断陷 ,主要经历了火石岭组—营城组断陷沉积 ;营城组沉积末期抬升剥蚀 ;登娄库组断陷沉积 ;登娄库组沉积末期抬升、走滑