~1H NMR Investigation of Supramolecular Complex between β-Cyclodextrin and Cholesterol

来源 :Wuhan University Journal of Natural Sciences | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:langfenggw
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A supramolecular complex between β-cyclodextrin and cholesterol was synthesized and characterized via proton 1H NMR spectroscopy. In the supramolecular complex,the stoichiometric proportion of β-cyclodextrin to cholesterol is 1:2. The possible conformation of the supramolecular complex was depicted according to the chemical shift variance of proton 1H NMR of the host and guest molecules inside the inclusion complex. Removal efficiency of cholesterol complexed by β-cyclodextrin in our work is increased to a remarkable extent. This result can be applied in the field of drug development to reduce cholesterol in blood and other human organs. A supramolecular complex between β-cyclodextrin and cholesterol was synthesized and characterized via proton 1H NMR spectroscopy. In the supramolecular complex, the stoichiometric proportion of β-cyclodextrin to cholesterol is 1: 2. The possible conformation of the supramolecular complex was presented according to the chemical shift variance of proton 1H NMR of the host and guest molecules inside the inclusion complex. Removal efficiency of cholesterol complexed by β-cyclodextrin in our work is increased to a remarkable extent. This result can be applied in the field of drug development to reduce cholesterol in blood and other human organs.
【塔斯社莫斯科1979年10月5日电】苏联保健部长Б.彼得洛夫斯基在苏联心脏病学家代表大会闭幕会上指出,大会的召开可视为苏联一支卫生队伍向人民所作的工作总结。 TASS new
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