慢性进行性眼外肌麻痹是一种以慢性、进行性、双侧性而且通常是对称性眼球运动障碍和眼睑下垂为特征的眼病。我院CT检查发现1例,现报告如下。1 临床资料女 45岁,汉族,因右眼睑下垂术后眼睑闭合不全并角膜溃疡1年入院。患者18岁时无明显诱因出现双眼上睑下垂,逐渐加重并出现眼
Chronic progressive extraocular muscle paralysis is an ocular disease characterized by chronic, progressive, bilateral and often symmetrical oculomotor disorders and ptosis. CT examination found in our hospital in 1 case, are as follows. 1 Clinical data Female 45 years old, Han, due to right eyelid ptosis after eyelid insufficiency and corneal ulcer 1 year admission. At 18 years of age, there was no obvious incentive for the patient to have ptosis of his eyes, which was gradually aggravated and appeared