无花果寿命长,结果早,适应性广,容易栽培,丰产稳产,其栽培技术如下: 一、建园 无花果原产亚热带干旱地区,耐旱、忌渍、喜温。年平均气温15℃以上,1月份平均气温3℃以上的地区均可栽培。无花果对土壤没有严格要求,但以选择通气排水良好、土层深厚的土壤较好。山坡平地、田头地角、四旁隙地、庭院都可种植。栽植前深耕土壤,施有机肥,改良土壤结构。 二、育苗 无花果主要采用扦插育苗,其中有硬枝插与绿枝插两种形式。硬枝插在春暖后进行,剪取优良品种树上生长粗壮的1年生枝作插穗,剪成20~25厘米长。绿
Figs long life, early results, wide adaptability, easy to cultivate, high yield and stable production, the cultivation techniques are as follows: First, the construction of figs native subtropical arid areas, drought, avoid stains, like the temperature. The annual average temperature above 15 ℃, the average temperature in January 3 ℃ above the area can be cultivated. Fig on the soil is not strictly required, but to choose a good ventilation ventilation, soil deep soil is better. Hillside, Tiaotou angle, four sides of the ground, the courtyard can be planted. Before planting, cultivate soil, apply organic fertilizer and improve soil structure. Second, nursery figs mainly cuttage nursery, in which there are two kinds of hard sticks inserted and green sticks inserted. Hard branches inserted in the spring after the cut, cut the elite trees grow thick branches for cuttings, cut into 20 to 25 cm long. green