前一阶段,京杭大运河苏北段曾因不法分子猖撅抢盗运输煤炭而引起了较大的社会反响,后经沿线各级政府及公安等部门的通力合作,综合治理,使原本“沸腾”的水面得以平静下来。可是近来,在局部水域,“抢煤风”又有抬头之势。 日前,在淮安船闸下游轮队停泊区,一安徽船队在此待闸,下午2时许,几条“小划子”载着10来个手拿铁锹、口袋的男男女女上了船队,在发现一驳船内剩余不少舱脚煤后,一哄而上。船主是一个上了年纪的老妇人,怎么栏也拦不住这群如狼似虎的歹徒,只得眼睁睁的看着。舱内扫完
In the previous stage, the northern section of Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal caused great social repercussions due to rampant piracy and theft of coal by the lawbreakers. After all the governments and public security departments along the route worked together and comprehensively, the original “boiling The water calm down. Recently, however, in some waters, the ”looting of the wind“ has its rise again. A few days ago, the Huai An Ship Lock downstream of the parked parking area, an Anhui fleet in this gate, at 2 o’clock in the afternoon, a few ”small plank" carrying a hand to take a shovel 10, pocket men and women flew in the discovery A barge in the remaining tank after a lot of coax, rushing into action. The owner is an old woman, how the bar can not stop these gangsters, just watched. Cabin sweep finished