介绍了新“环保法”出台的背景,解读并评述史上最严的新《环保法》及重新修订的GB 4287—2012,包括新《环保法》的积极影响和不足之处,以及《纺织染整工业水污染排放标准》中涉及的总磷氮、AOX、六价铬、锑、APEO和致癌偶氮染料的限量标准和检测方法,指出有害化学品的检测与监控,必须与国际接轨,才能使法规得以落实。
Introduces the background of the new “Environmental Protection Law”, interprets and comments on the most serious new “Environmental Protection Law” in the history and revised GB 4287-2012, including the positive effects and shortcomings of the new “Environmental Protection Law” and the " Limit standards and testing methods for total phosphorus, AOX, hexavalent chromium, antimony, APEO and carcinogenic azo dyes involved in the Emission Standard for Textile Dyeing and Industrial Water Pollution, and pointed out that the testing and monitoring of harmful chemicals must be in line with international standards In order to make laws and regulations be implemented.