膝关节置换是临床治疗膝关节疾病的主要方法,能完成膝关节屈曲、畸形关节的重建,恢复其肢体功能[1]。但膝关节置换术后,患者常伴有不同程度的关节肿胀和疼痛,影响其治疗护理依从性和术后生活质量[2]。本研究采用以信息-动机-行为技巧(information-motivation-behavioral skills,IMB)模型[3]为理论基础的干预护理对老年膝关节置换患者进行信息、动机、行为的综合干预,引导其
Knee joint replacement is the main method of clinical treatment of knee joint disease, to complete the knee flexion, deformity joint reconstruction, restore their limb function [1]. But after knee replacement, patients often have varying degrees of joint swelling and pain, affecting the treatment and care compliance and postoperative quality of life [2]. In this study, comprehensive intervention on information, motivation and behavior of elderly patients with knee joint replacement was guided by interventional nursing based on the information-motivation-behavioral skills (IMB) model [3]