Lushan meeting in 1959, Peng Dehuai knew there may be a risk, still committed Yan on the book. Why? Apart from Peng’s long and consistent loyalty to the people, he also led his visit to the Soviet Union and the eight eastern countries in 1959 by the Chinese military delegation. This issue of the memory of Zhu Kaiyin touched on this point. Before the visit, the harbingers of the catastrophe in China due to the “Great Leap Forward” have emerged. During his visit, Peng inspected the lives of people in Eastern European countries and learned that West Germany was “desperately seeking a welfare society.” He sent a heavy feeling: “You are ten years behind, eight years can be long, and others People will not agree to you than to defeat you. ”According to Zhu Kai-yin, the opinions put forward by Peng during the Lushan Conference have some connection with the impression and perception he has acquired abroad. To develop the country, it is imperative to “open your eyes” to see ourselves and see the world. We must also give full play to democracy and make people dare to speak. Before the Lushan meeting, Peng always had his eyes open. At the meeting, he “opened his mouth” but was quickly criticized. The result? Catastrophe also ensued.