车到滇西的大理古城,已是薄暮时分。此时苍山隐隐横空,洱海蒙蒙入帐。匆匆在一家由白族人开设的白香餐馆吃了一顿诸如砂锅鱼、烟熏肉等白族佳肴,又于下榻的星月饭店草草安顿行装后,便向古城市井步去。 这座石城是我国56个民族之一的白族人为主聚居之地。它的建筑富有白族特有的那种曲线屋顶,凹曲屋面,白墙青瓦格子门,廊檐描花楼彩绘的格局,且多为姿态不一的土石木构架平屋或双层三层楼舍,不拔空,不划一,入得眼来一派典雅纤巧,柔和恬适。街路窄窄长长,人群熙攘,但无卡拉OK的喊叫,亦无烦噪的叫卖吆喝,更无震耳
Dali car to the west of the ancient city of Yunnan is already in full twilight. At this time Cangshan faint sky, Erhai Meng Meng account. Hurriedly ate white dishes such as casserole fish and smoked meat at Baixiang restaurant opened by the Bai people, and then settled in the ancient city after having settled in the Xingyue Hotel. This Shicheng is one of the 56 ethnic Bai ethnic groups in China. Its architecture is rich with Bai unique curved roof, concave curved roof, white-walled green-gray lattice doors, painted corridor shade painted pattern, and mostly in different stratum of earth and stone framed flat or double three-story buildings, Not empty, not uniform, into the eyes of elegant school style, soft and comfortable. Narrow streets long, crowd bustling, but no karaoke OK shouting, no annoying selling shouting, but no ears