
来源 :中国三峡建设 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wushaojunbaobao3
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让水资源更好地为人类服务,是水电人的梦想。拥有巨型水能发电机组是水电开发能力的重要标志。作为水电人,大多记住这样一个数据:到上世纪80年代,世界上还只有21台70万千瓦水轮发电机组。有3台在美国的大古力电站,有18台在巴西和巴拉圭共有的伊泰普电站。进入21世纪,世界水电史上曾经的光荣即将被三峡电站替代——2005年9月,三峡左岸最后一台机组将投产,中国已独自拥有14台水轮发电机组。回顾三峡70万千瓦水轮发电机组从梦想到现实的过程,黄源芳,这位曾长期从事机组技术工作的老专家,在他为三峡机组奔忙的42年时间里留下了许多值得回忆的故事。 Water resources to better serve human beings, is the dream of hydropower. Having a giant hydro genset is an important indicator of hydropower development capability. As a hydropower, most remember such a data: By the 1980s, there were only 21 700,000-kilowatt hydro-generating units in the world. There are three Grand Coulee power stations in the United States, with 18 Itaipu stations in Brazil and Paraguay. In the 21st century, the glorious history of the world’s hydropower will soon be replaced by the Three Gorges Power Station - the last unit on the left bank of the Three Gorges will start operation in September 2005, and China already has 14 hydroelectric generating units alone. Recalling the process of the Three Gorges 700,000-kilowatt hydroelectric generating unit from dream to reality, Huang Yuanfang, an old expert who had long been engaged in the technical work of the unit, left many memorable stories in his 42 years of running for the Three Gorges Project.
[本刊讯](记者 赵凤莉)被誉为“神奇材料”的石墨烯,有望在国防军工领域率先打开产业化的突破口.由于具有强度高、韧性好、重量轻、透光率高、导电性佳等特点,石墨烯材料将在