贯彻落实折子工程 扎实推动工会工作

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为了全面贯彻落实《中共北京市委关于加强和改进工会工作的意见》和北京市工会第十二次代表大会精神,扎实推进各项工作,市总工会专门印发了《北京市总工会重点工作折子工程》,对下一阶段的各项工作重点进行了部署。《北京市总工会重点工作折子工程》将市总工会重点工作分解为实现工会组织全覆盖、发展和谐劳动关系、提高职工队伍整体素质、构建服务型工会、加强工会自身建设、构建工会工作创新发展的良好环境,以及积极做好建国60周年庆典游行、游园活动等几个大项,并在此基础上细化为17小项,确定了牵头领导和主要责任单位。目前,各级工会在贯彻《中共北京市委关于加强和改进工会工作的意见》和北京市工会第十二次代表大会精神的基础上,对落实折子工程进行了部署,各项推进工作正在稳步进行中—— In order to fully implement the “Opinions of the CPC Beijing Municipal Party Committee on Strengthening and Improving Trade Union Work” and the spirit of the Twelfth Congress of the Beijing Municipal Trade Unions, and steadfastly promoted all the work, the Municipal Federation of Trade Unions specially issued the “Key Work Breaking Project of Beijing Federation of Trade Unions ”, The focus of the next phase of the work carried out the deployment. The Beijing Federation of Trade Unions Key Work Breaker Project breaks down the key work of the city’s trade unions into the full coverage of trade union organizations, the development of harmonious labor relations, the enhancement of the overall quality of the workforce, the establishment of service-oriented trade unions, the strengthening of the self-construction of trade unions and the innovation and development of trade union work , And actively carried out several large-scale projects such as the celebration of the 60th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China and the garden activities. On the basis of this, 17 sub-projects were defined and the lead leaders and key responsible units were identified. At present, on the basis of carrying out the “Opinions of the CPC Beijing Municipal Committee on Strengthening and Improving Trade Union Work” and the spirit of the Twelfth Congress of Beijing Municipal Trade Unions, the unions at various levels have made arrangements for the implementation of the Zhejian project and the work is proceeding steadily in--
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