Big Hair Day(I)by Margaret Johnson

来源 :考试与评价·七年级版 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:DragonDoor
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  People in the story
  Sophia Reynolds is going to be an extra (臨时演员) in a film.
  Fabio Facelli is a famous film star.
  George Cooper is a policeman.
  Chapter 1  A bad start
  Im here, in Norwich! Goodbye to my job in Jacks Cafe in London for six days! I feel very, very happy. I want to laugh and shout, and tell everyone about it. Im going to be in a film (电影) with Fabio Facelli! Yes, me, Sophia Reynolds, with Fabio Facelli! I love Fabios films. And now Im going to be in a film with him! Ok, it isnt just Fabio and me in the film. There are going to be lots of people. And Im an “extra”. Im not going to speak, but Im going to be in the film. With Fabio Facelli! Its eight oclock. I must be at Chapelfield Park at ten oclock. I have two hours. First I can take my bag to my hotel. I start to walk. But a woman stops me. “Excuse me. Can you tell me how to get to Bank Street?” she asks. I smile at the woman.“I dont know Norwich, but Ive got a map,” I tell her. “Thank you,” says the woman.
  The map is a big and its a windy day. My hair is over my face and I cant see. I try to find Bank Street. But the wind takes the map from my hands. “Oh!” I start to shout. The woman tries to help, but the wind is taking my map away. “Come back here!” I shout and I run down the street after the map.
  The map goes under a bus. I wait for the bus to stop. Then I go and get the map. I walk back up the street, but I cant see the woman. I look for her up and down the street. “Thats funny,” I think. I put the map back in my bag. Then I see that somethings wrong. “These arent my things!” I say. “This isnt my bag! Oh no! Shes got my bag!”.
  I look up and down the street again, but the woman isnt there. I dont know what to do. Everythings going wrong. First the map, now my bag. Then I see something—a police station. I take the womans bag and start to run. I run to the police station, and I go in.
  “My bag!” I shout at a policeman behind the desk. “Shes got my bag. You must help me. Please!”
  Chapter 2  Beautiful eyes
  The policeman doesnt look up (看) at me. Hes writing something.“Sit down please, Miss, ”he says. I dont want to sit down. I want him to help me.“You dont understand!” I say. “That bags got all my things in it!”
  The policeman looks up at me. I see he has beautiful, dark eyes. Not like Fabios eyes, of course. But they are beautiful. What? Why am I thinking about this mans eyes? That womans got my bag!   “All these people are waiting, Miss,” the policeman tells me. “Please sit down.” I look behind me. There are three or four people waiting. They all want to speak to the policeman too. “But I must be at work by ten oclock!” I try again, but the policeman just looks at me. “Please, Miss,” he says. “I know,” I say. “Sit down.”
  I go and sit down. And I wait. After thirty minutes, the policeman asks me to go over. “Sit down, please,” he tells me. I sit. “Name?” he asks. “Sophia Reynolds.” He writes it down.“And how can we help you?”
  I tell him about the woman and our bags. “Now, shes got my bags and Ive got hers!” I say, and I give him the womans bag. He takes the bag from me and opens it. “Theres no name in here,” he says. “We dont know how to find the woman.” “What can we do?” I ask. The policeman puts the bag down. “You must leave it here,” he says. “Now, tell me whats in your bag,” he says. I tell him and he writes it all down. “OK, Miss Reynolds,” he says. “We must wait for the woman to come in. Come back this afternoon. Or phone us.” He writes the phone number down and gives it to me. “Give me your number too,” he says. I give him my number and get up. “Thank you,” I say. “Goodbye.”
  “Goodbye, Miss Reynolds,” he says, and then he looks away from me. “Next, please!” he calls.A man comes over. “Sit down, please,” the policeman says. “Mr. Sit Down,” I think. “Thats a good name for you!”
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