1933年3月,我国革命史上著名的娘子军——红四方面军妇女独立营,在四川通江县诞生了。 5月中旬,独立营运粮经过通江县鹰龙山时,发现迎面来了一个团敌人。营长陶万荣、政委曾广澜命令战士埋伏在树丛中,有枪的战士埋伏在前。敌人上山后,鸦片瘾发作,躺在地上吐云吐雾时,枪声一响,女战士手挥大刀、长矛冲进敌群,一团“双枪兵”全部被俘。1934年3月,妇女独立营扩充为独立团,曾广澜任团长,红四方面军政治部主任、著名女将领张琴秋
In March 1933, the well-known Detachment of Women in the Fourth Front Army in the Revolutionary History of Our Country, an independent battalion, was born in Tongjiang County, Sichuan Province. In mid-May, when operating grain alone through Eagle River in Tongjiang County, it was discovered that a group enemy was coming. Battalion commander Tao Wanrong, Political Commissar Zeng Guanglan order soldiers ambush in the trees, soldiers with guns lurking in the front. When the enemy went up the mountain, the opiate addiction was lying on the floor and spitting clouds of fog. When the gunshots were heard, the female warrior waved his sword and the spear burst into the enemy base. A group of “two-gun” soldiers were all captured. In March 1934, the independent battalion of women was expanded into an independent group. Zeng Guanglan was appointed as head of the political department of the Fourth Red Army. Zhang Qiuqiu