外语学习焦虑感是影响第二语言习得的一个重要因素。本文通过 1 5名一年级外国留学生的录音记录 ,分析了留学生学习汉语的焦虑感与其口语流利性的关系 ,针对留学生说汉语时单位字数的句中非自然停顿数和句间非自然停顿数与焦虑值的具体情况 ,提出了一些应对办法 ,以期有针对性地消除留学生的焦虑感
Anxiety of foreign language learning is an important factor that affects the second language acquisition. Based on the records of 15 first-year foreign students, this paper analyzes the relationship between the anxiety of Chinese students who study Chinese and their oral fluency. According to the number of non-natural and non-natural pause sentences Anxiety value of the specific circumstances, put forward some coping strategies, with a view to targeted students to eliminate anxiety