A method of embedding a digital wa-termark image in video is proposed in this paper.Bymultiresolution signal decomposing,the decomposedwatermark image with diff
A new technique which combinesthe generalized network formulation along with theboundary integral method and the connection algo-rithm is proposed to deal with
A physical optics (PO) field anal-ysis is made for the scattering from polygonal flatwith anisotropic impedance layer.Numerical exam-ples are shown to highlight
As the ordinary low resolution radarcan not distinguish the radar target both at range andazimuth,if we apply the technology of inverse syn-thetic aperture rada
Performance degradation due to theinterplay between nodes crosstalk and nonlinear prop-agation in all optical networks is studied in this paper,and an analytica
A consecutive-k-out-of-n: G system with n linearly arranged i. i.d. components is examined. This paper gives an exact formula for computing the system reliabili
We propose a new key-lock methodfor user authentication and access control based onChinese remainder theorem, the concepts of the ac-cess control matrix, key-lo
In this paper, a decision feedback partial parallel interference cancellation (DF-PPIC)is proposed. In each stage’s interference cancellation,the already detec