临床资料患者,男,19岁。主因头皮结节1年,于2015年6月19日就诊。1年前,无明显诱因患者头顶部出现一鲜红色粟粒大丘疹,未予治疗,逐渐增大至蚕豆大小的结节,表面粗糙,无破溃及主观不适。系统检查:生命体征平稳,全身浅表淋巴结无增大,心肺腹未见异常。既往史:既往体健,否认外伤史。皮肤科情况:头顶部可见一0.6 cm×0.8 cm大小鲜红色半球形隆起性结节,境界清楚,表面粗糙,质地中等,
Clinical data patients, male, 19 years old. The main one year due to scalp nodules, on June 19, 2015 treatment. A year ago, there was a bright red miliary papule at the top of the head without obvious predisposition, without treatment, and gradually increased to the nodules of broad bean size with a rough surface, no ulceration and subjective discomfort. System check: stable vital signs, no increase in superficial lymph nodes, abnormal heart-lung abdomen. Past history: past physical health, to deny the history of trauma. Dermatology: the top of the head can be seen a 0.6 cm × 0.8 cm size bright red hemispherical bulging nodules, the realm of clear, rough surface, medium texture,