当今商品世界让顾客眼花缭乱、莫衷一是,生产31种洗发护发香波、42种牙膏的全球最大市场经销者——美国 P&G 公司开始反其道而行之。几十年来,P&G 一直致力于新产品的研究与开发,久而久之便形成了几十种香波系列、近百种护肤系列。近年 P&G 公司开始对过去几十年来沿用至今的传统的市场营销方式举行大刀阔斧的改革,改革措施之一就是对其花样繁杂的产品进行梳理,简化产品种类,强化优势产品的生产。在最新的产品目录
In today’s commodity world, customers are dazzled by the fact that the United States P&G Corporation, the world’s largest market distributor of 31 shampoos and shampoos and 42 toothpastes, has begun to do the opposite. For decades, P&G has been committed to the research and development of new products. Over time, P&G has formed dozens of shampoo series and nearly 100 skin care series. In recent years, P&G Corporation has begun drastic reforms in its traditional marketing methods that have been used for decades. One of the reform measures is to sort out complicated products, simplify product categories, and strengthen the production of advantageous products. In the latest product catalog