目的 根据 1993~ 2 0 0 0年我省沿江西部地区鼠类调查结果 ,分析该地区鼠类种群结构 ,为有效防制鼠害提供依据。方法 选择农田和居民室内合适生境 ,采用夹夜法布放鼠夹 ,对捕获的鼠类进行种类鉴定 ,计算鼠种构成比和鼠密度 ,分析研究该地区鼠种结构和室内外优势鼠种。结果 农田鼠种包括黑线姬鼠、褐家鼠、东方田鼠 ,其构成比 (% )分别为 84 .33、9.6 7、5 .6 7,农田鼠密度为 9.0 2 % ,黑线姬鼠为该地区农田优势鼠种。室内鼠种包括褐家鼠、黄胸鼠、小家鼠、黑线姬鼠 ,其构成比 (% )分别为 5 3.2 2、35 .19、10 .73、0 .86 ,室内鼠密度为 11.5 2 % ,褐家鼠和黄胸鼠为该地区室内优势鼠种。结论 黑线姬鼠和褐家鼠、黄胸鼠分别为我省沿江西部地区农田和居民室内优势鼠种
Objective To analyze the structure of rodents in this region from 1993 to 2000 according to the results of rodents in the western region along the Yangtze River in our country and provide the basis for effective control of rodent pests. Methods The suitable habitats of farmland and residents were selected. The rats were placed on the mouse clip with the method of nocturnal night. Species identification of the captured mice was carried out. The structure ratio and density of the mice were calculated. Results The species of farmland rats were Apodemus agrarius, Rattus norvegicus, and Microtus fortis. Their compositional ratios (%) were 84.33, 9.67, 5.67, respectively. The density of farmland was 9.02% Dominant species of farmland in the area. The indoor rat species include Rattus norvegicus, Rattus flavipectus, Mus musculus and Apodemus agrariana, the constituent ratios (%) are respectively 5 3.2, 23.5, 19, 10.73 and 0.86, and the indoor rat density is 11.5 2%, Rattus norvegicus and Rattus flavipectus are dominant species in the area. Conclusions Apodemus agrarius and Rattus norvegicus and Rattus flavipectus are the dominant species of indoor farmland and resident indoors, respectively